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Following are the collaborative and individual projects that I have undertaken that involve research, software implementation and hardware model. These projects are the coalescence of my theoretical knowledge from my minor specialization, and my technical abilities developed through the curriculum.

Renewable Forecasting

Renewable Energy and Smart Technology

This is my major project. We are developing a MATLAB-based application on renewable forecasting for the energy industry which utilized artificial intelligence, advanced analytics, sophisticated instruments and weather data. We are crafting an algorithm to forecast the amount of renewable energy that would be integrated into the grid within a certain time period with maximum accuracy.


Weather API 

HTML, CSS, JavaScript, Github

This is a geolocation-based weather app that will show us the current weather data depending on the user's location. The HTML of the app is straightforward, the markup of which is shown in the picture alongside. In this project, I use OpenWeatherMap API Service to fetch enormous data related to the weather of user's geolocation. Through this project, I learned:

  • Interacting with the DOM

  • Using a third-party API Service 

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