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Published and Presented two Research Papers

I had the opportunity to present and get my two research papers published in International Virtual Conference for Innovative Applications of Computational Intelligence on Power, Energy and Control with their Impact on Humanity (VCIPECH) 2020 and (BCIPECH) 2022


Event Moderator

I have always loved to be on stage and be able to interact with an audience. Subsequently, I have taken up maximum opportunities to be an event moderator or be an anchor in a seminar, both in school and college.


Crafting Illustrations

During the lockdown, I discovered a passion for graphic design and illustration. I created various pieces for my friends and submitted my work to online competitions. Excited to continue exploring and sharing my creativity! (Check out my Behance profile linked below).



I have been awarded distinction certificate for qualifying three years of Bharatanatyam, recognized by Govt. of Kerala. I have participated and won in various school, inter-school and regional dance competitions.


Positions of Responsibilities

I am grateful to my mentors and teachers for recognizing my management as well as leadership skills, and entrusting me with important duties, such as President of  Odyssey Literary Society of KIET, Student Placement Coordinator.

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Blog/Content Writing

After an inspiring internship, I fell in love with content and blog writing. You can find some of my works on below, where I share engaging articles on various topics. Writing has become my passion, and I'm excited to share my voice with a wider audience.

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